# stylus/selector-list-comma-space-after

require a single space or disallow whitespace after the commas of selector lists.

# 📖 Rule Details

This rule require a single space or disallow whitespace after the commas of selector lists.

# ❓ Why Not Use stylelint Rule

The selector-list-comma-space-after (opens new window) rule incorrectly report errors in Stylus.
This problem is that the core rules do not understand that can omit commas in Stylus.
The stylus/selector-list-comma-space-after rule understands that can omit commas in Stylus.

# 🔧 Options

  "stylus/selector-list-comma-space-after": ["always" | "never" | "always-single-line" | "never-single-line"]

# 🔍 Implementation