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Cheetah Grid Owner

The fastest open-source web component of data table. JavaScript library.

vue-cheetah-grid Owner

Cheetah Grid for Vue.js.

vite-plugin-svelte-md Owner

Vite plugin to convert markdown to svelte template.

svelte-adapter-ghpages Owner

SvelteKit adapter for gh-pages.

vuepress-plugin-full-text-search2 Owner

VuePress v2 plugin that adds full-text search box.

Select box filter Owner

A Chrome extension that filters select box options.

Stylus Collaborator

Stylus is a revolutionary new language, providing an efficient, dynamic, and expressive way to generate CSS. Supporting both an indented syntax and regular CSS style.


Developer-oriented and SQL centric database access library. Java library.

uroboroSQL formatter Owner

SQL formatter.