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⚠️ This rule warns in the following configs: 🟢 flat/recommended, 🔵 recommended.

disallow confusing quantifiers

📖 Rule Details

Confusing quantifiers are ones which imply one thing but don't deliver on that.

An example of this is (?:a?b*|c+){4}. The group is quantified with {4} which implies that at least 4 characters will be matched, but this is not the case. The whole pattern will match the empty string. It does that because in the a?b* alternative, it's possible to choose 0 many a and b. So rather than {4}, {0,4} should be used to reflect the fact that the empty string can be matched.

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🔧 Options


❤️ Compatibility

This rule was taken from eslint-plugin-clean-regex.
This rule is compatible with clean-regex/confusing-quantifier rule.

🚀 Version

This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-regexp v0.8.0

🔍 Implementation