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apply jsonc rules similar to your configured ESLint core rules

  • 🔧 The --fix option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

📖 Rule Details

Automatically apply jsonc rules similar to your configured ESLint core rules to JSON.

This rule checks the ESLint core rules you are already using in your configuration and automatically turns ON the equivalent Extension Rules provided by this plugin.

If you have already configured a particular jsonc rule, either explicitly or via a shared configuration, then that will take precedence over jsonc/auto. For example, if you use the "plugin:jsonc/recommended-with-json" configuration, the auto rule will not turn ON the jsonc/comma-dangle rule even if the comma-dangle rule is enabled in your core ESLint config.

🔧 Options


🚀 Version

This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-jsonc v0.8.0

🔍 Implementation