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Available Rules

The --fix option on the command line automatically fixes problems reported by rules which have a wrench 🔧 below.
The rules with the following star ⭐ are included in the plugin:toml/recommended config and the plugin:toml/standard config.

TOML Rules

toml/indentenforce consistent indentation🔧
toml/keys-orderdisallow defining pair keys out-of-order🔧
toml/no-mixed-type-in-arraydisallow mixed data types in array
toml/no-non-decimal-integerdisallow hexadecimal, octal and binary integer🔧
toml/no-space-dotsdisallow spacing around infix operators🔧
toml/no-unreadable-number-separatordisallow number separators that to not enhance readability.
toml/padding-line-between-pairsrequire or disallow padding lines between pairs🔧
toml/padding-line-between-tablesrequire or disallow padding lines between tables🔧
toml/precision-of-fractional-secondsdisallow precision of fractional seconds greater than the specified value.
toml/precision-of-integerdisallow precision of integer greater than the specified value.
toml/quoted-keysrequire or disallow quotes around keys🔧
toml/tables-orderdisallow defining tables out-of-order🔧
toml/vue-custom-block/no-parsing-errordisallow parsing errors in Vue custom blocks

Extension Rules

toml/array-bracket-newlineenforce linebreaks after opening and before closing array brackets🔧
toml/array-bracket-spacingenforce consistent spacing inside array brackets🔧
toml/array-element-newlineenforce line breaks between array elements🔧
toml/comma-styleenforce consistent comma style in array🔧
toml/inline-table-curly-spacingenforce consistent spacing inside braces🔧
toml/key-spacingenforce consistent spacing between keys and values in key/value pairs🔧
toml/spaced-commentenforce consistent spacing after the # in a comment🔧
toml/table-bracket-spacingenforce consistent spacing inside table brackets🔧


  • ⚠️ We're going to remove deprecated rules in the next major release. Please migrate to successor/new rules.
  • 😇 We don't fix bugs which are in deprecated rules since we don't have enough resources.
Rule IDReplaced by