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Available Rules

The --fix option on the command line automatically fixes problems reported by rules which have a wrench 🔧 below.
The rules with the following star ⭐ are included in the plugin:math/recommended config and the plugin:math/standard config.

Math Rules

Rule IDDescriptionFixableRECOMMENDED
math/absenforce the conversion to absolute values to be the method you prefer🔧
math/no-static-infinity-calculationsdisallow static calculations that go to infinity
math/no-static-nan-calculationsdisallow static calculations that go to NaN
math/prefer-exponentiation-operatorenforce the use of exponentiation (**) operator instead of other calculations🔧
math/prefer-math-cbrtenforce the use of Math.cbrt() instead of other cube root calculations🔧
math/prefer-math-eenforce the use of Math.E instead of other ways🔧
math/prefer-math-hypotenforce the use of Math.hypot() instead of other hypotenuse calculations🔧
math/prefer-math-ln10enforce the use of Math.LN10 instead of other ways🔧
math/prefer-math-ln2enforce the use of Math.LN2 instead of other ways🔧
math/prefer-math-log10enforce the use of Math.log10() instead of other calculation methods.🔧
math/prefer-math-log10eenforce the use of Math.LOG10E instead of other ways🔧
math/prefer-math-log2enforce the use of Math.log2() instead of other calculation methods.🔧
math/prefer-math-log2eenforce the use of Math.LOG2E instead of other ways🔧
math/prefer-math-pienforce the use of Math.PI instead of literal number🔧
math/prefer-math-sqrtenforce the use of Math.sqrt() instead of other square root calculations🔧
math/prefer-math-sqrt1-2enforce the use of Math.SQRT1_2 instead of other ways🔧
math/prefer-math-sqrt2enforce the use of Math.SQRT2 instead of other ways🔧
math/prefer-math-truncenforce the use of Math.trunc() instead of other truncations🔧
math/prefer-number-epsilonenforce the use of Number.EPSILON instead of other ways🔧
math/prefer-number-is-finiteenforce the use of Number.isFinite() instead of other checking ways🔧
math/prefer-number-is-integerenforce the use of Number.isInteger() instead of other checking ways🔧
math/prefer-number-is-nanenforce the use of Number.isNaN() instead of other checking ways🔧
math/prefer-number-is-safe-integerenforce the use of Number.isSafeInteger() instead of other checking ways🔧
math/prefer-number-max-safe-integerenforce the use of Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER instead of other ways🔧
math/prefer-number-max-valueenforce the use of Number.MAX_VALUE instead of literal number🔧
math/prefer-number-min-safe-integerenforce the use of Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER instead of other ways🔧